
ICSS implements different projects in the field of social inclusion of people with disabilities, provision of social services in domestic environment of children and elderly people at risk and increasing the capacity of service providers and responsible institutions for management of social services.

AccessibleEU Resource Center is one of the leading initiatives proposed in the European Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, launched in 2023 in all EU Member States and with a development horizon of four years. (

The aim of AccessibleEU is to create a common European hub on accessibility issues, where good practices and accessibility policies will be collected and analyzed, stakeholders will be connected, trainings, studies and stakeholder networking events will be held, legislative initiatives will be supported.

The key areas of AccessibleEU are built environment, transport, information and communication technologies, and policies.

ICSS is the representative of Bulgaria for the project.

We will inform you and invite you to participate in the initiatives at the European and national level.

AccessibleEU Factsheet ACC1 (1)

Supporting people with intellectual disabilities for an independent life: the heart of a new European project

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