Supporting people with intellectual disabilities for an independent life: the heart of a new European project

Centre de la Gabrielle – MFPass and the University Paris-Créteil (UPEC) in France, the Service Foundation for People with Intellectual Disability in Finland (KVPS), the Institution for Community-based Social Services Foundation in Bulgaria (ICSS) and Stewarts Care in Ireland started in September 2018 a new European project called ILLICO, standing for “Independent Living Skills: Learning and Investing in people with disabilities, Co-operating with families and service providers” and co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission.

ILLICO Project's main objective is to improve the support of adults with intellectual disabilities towards a more independent life, offering tools and activities for people with disabilities, families and professionals in the medico-social field. Over 3 years a package of tools and development activities will be developed and implemented – the conducting of two studies, the implementation of innovative peer-mentoring programs and networks, the promoting of a YouTube channel and 6 video-clips on the development of independent living skills, as well as a toolkit on family cooperation which will be used during the trainings for professionals working with families of adults with intellectual disabilities. The tools will be translated into the project partners’ languages, distributed at a European level and online, via the creation of a website where the
resources will be free to download.

ILLICO is born from a previous project, entitled "Unlocking Freedom through Adult Education", which resources are available online at the following address:

All products if ILLICO partners will be uploaded at the project website:

Skills for work activities:

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